Life Force is a not-for-profit foundation so we can only survive on the generosity of the community. You can help. The constant plea for “less than the price of a cup of coffee a week” is a truth.
If we have 300 people contributing $10, $20 or $30 a month to our "Friends for Life" club, we can run the three support groups we have been providing for many years. Then when our Corporate Friends contribute a quarterly or annual lump sum we can offer day or weekend retreats and seminars.
We cannot organise very important fundraising events, seminars or retreats without our Life Force Angels, our wonderful volunteers. Consider becoming part of the Life Force Family by joining our Band of Angels.
Your financial donation of $2 and over is tax deductible, and every contribution will mean the world to someone, maybe someone whom you have never met or never will, but someone who is terrified they may not make it. Someone who has just been diagnosed, who’s praying before every meeting with their oncologist that their markers have decreased. Someone who goes home to young children hoping they will see them grow up. Someone just scared. Your donation will give us the means to give them support in a warm, safe place.
Thank you in advance for any help you can give!
Nina Witenden
Life Force Foundation President